k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/logs 日志管理代码
每30秒刷新一次日志。 使用了github.com/golang/glog
- NewDefaultClientConfigLoadingRules
type Factory struct {
clients ClientCache
flags pflag.FlagSet
// Returns interfaces for dealing with arbitrary runtime.Objects.
Object func() (meta.RESTMapper, runtime.ObjectTyper)
// Returns interfaces for dealing with arbitrary
// runtime.Unstructured. This performs API calls to discover types.
UnstructuredObject func() (meta.RESTMapper, runtime.ObjectTyper, error)
// Returns interfaces for decoding objects - if toInternal is set, decoded objects will be converted
// into their internal form (if possible). Eventually the internal form will be removed as an option,
// and only versioned objects will be returned.
Decoder func(toInternal bool) runtime.Decoder
// Returns an encoder capable of encoding a provided object into JSON in the default desired version.
JSONEncoder func() runtime.Encoder
// ClientSet gives you back an internal, generated clientset
ClientSet func() (*internalclientset.Clientset, error)
// Returns a RESTClient for accessing Kubernetes resources or an error.
RESTClient func() (*restclient.RESTClient, error)
// Returns a client.Config for accessing the Kubernetes server.
ClientConfig func() (*restclient.Config, error)
// Returns a RESTClient for working with the specified RESTMapping or an error. This is intended
// for working with arbitrary resources and is not guaranteed to point to a Kubernetes APIServer.
ClientForMapping func(mapping *meta.RESTMapping) (resource.RESTClient, error)
// Returns a RESTClient for working with Unstructured objects.
UnstructuredClientForMapping func(mapping *meta.RESTMapping) (resource.RESTClient, error)
// Returns a Describer for displaying the specified RESTMapping type or an error.
Describer func(mapping *meta.RESTMapping) (kubectl.Describer, error)
// Returns a Printer for formatting objects of the given type or an error.
Printer func(mapping *meta.RESTMapping, options kubectl.PrintOptions) (kubectl.ResourcePrinter, error)
// Returns a Scaler for changing the size of the specified RESTMapping type or an error
Scaler func(mapping *meta.RESTMapping) (kubectl.Scaler, error)
// Returns a Reaper for gracefully shutting down resources.
Reaper func(mapping *meta.RESTMapping) (kubectl.Reaper, error)
// Returns a HistoryViewer for viewing change history
HistoryViewer func(mapping *meta.RESTMapping) (kubectl.HistoryViewer, error)
// Returns a Rollbacker for changing the rollback version of the specified RESTMapping type or an error
Rollbacker func(mapping *meta.RESTMapping) (kubectl.Rollbacker, error)
// Returns a StatusViewer for printing rollout status.
StatusViewer func(mapping *meta.RESTMapping) (kubectl.StatusViewer, error)
// MapBasedSelectorForObject returns the map-based selector associated with the provided object. If a
// new set-based selector is provided, an error is returned if the selector cannot be converted to a
// map-based selector
MapBasedSelectorForObject func(object runtime.Object) (string, error)
// PortsForObject returns the ports associated with the provided object
PortsForObject func(object runtime.Object) ([]string, error)
// ProtocolsForObject returns the <port, protocol> mapping associated with the provided object
ProtocolsForObject func(object runtime.Object) (map[string]string, error)
// LabelsForObject returns the labels associated with the provided object
LabelsForObject func(object runtime.Object) (map[string]string, error)
// LogsForObject returns a request for the logs associated with the provided object
LogsForObject func(object, options runtime.Object) (*restclient.Request, error)
// PauseObject marks the provided object as paused ie. it will not be reconciled by its controller.
PauseObject func(object runtime.Object) (bool, error)
// ResumeObject resumes a paused object ie. it will be reconciled by its controller.
ResumeObject func(object runtime.Object) (bool, error)
// Returns a schema that can validate objects stored on disk.
Validator func(validate bool, cacheDir string) (validation.Schema, error)
// SwaggerSchema returns the schema declaration for the provided group version kind.
SwaggerSchema func(unversioned.GroupVersionKind) (*swagger.ApiDeclaration, error)
// Returns the default namespace to use in cases where no
// other namespace is specified and whether the namespace was
// overridden.
DefaultNamespace func() (string, bool, error)
// Generators returns the generators for the provided command
Generators func(cmdName string) map[string]kubectl.Generator
// Check whether the kind of resources could be exposed
CanBeExposed func(kind unversioned.GroupKind) error
// Check whether the kind of resources could be autoscaled
CanBeAutoscaled func(kind unversioned.GroupKind) error
// AttachablePodForObject returns the pod to which to attach given an object.
AttachablePodForObject func(object runtime.Object) (*api.Pod, error)
// UpdatePodSpecForObject will call the provided function on the pod spec this object supports,
// return false if no pod spec is supported, or return an error.
UpdatePodSpecForObject func(obj runtime.Object, fn func(*api.PodSpec) error) (bool, error)
// EditorEnvs returns a group of environment variables that the edit command
// can range over in order to determine if the user has specified an editor
// of their choice.
EditorEnvs func() []string
// PrintObjectSpecificMessage prints object-specific messages on the provided writer
PrintObjectSpecificMessage func(obj runtime.Object, out io.Writer)
const (
RunV1GeneratorName = “run/v1”
RunPodV1GeneratorName = “run-pod/v1”
ServiceV1GeneratorName = “service/v1”
ServiceV2GeneratorName = “service/v2”
ServiceNodePortGeneratorV1Name = “service-nodeport/v1”
ServiceClusterIPGeneratorV1Name = “service-clusterip/v1”
ServiceLoadBalancerGeneratorV1Name = “service-loadbalancer/v1”
ServiceAccountV1GeneratorName = “serviceaccount/v1”
HorizontalPodAutoscalerV1Beta1GeneratorName = “horizontalpodautoscaler/v1beta1”
HorizontalPodAutoscalerV1GeneratorName = “horizontalpodautoscaler/v1”
DeploymentV1Beta1GeneratorName = “deployment/v1beta1”
DeploymentBasicV1Beta1GeneratorName = “deployment-basic/v1beta1”
JobV1Beta1GeneratorName = “job/v1beta1”
JobV1GeneratorName = “job/v1”
ScheduledJobV2Alpha1GeneratorName = “scheduledjob/v2alpha1”
NamespaceV1GeneratorName = “namespace/v1”
ResourceQuotaV1GeneratorName = “resourcequotas/v1”
SecretV1GeneratorName = “secret/v1”
SecretForDockerRegistryV1GeneratorName = “secret-for-docker-registry/v1”
SecretForTLSV1GeneratorName = “secret-for-tls/v1”
ConfigMapV1GeneratorName = “configmap/v1”